SEANOKKAI. the enigmatic documentary and street photographer is a fascinating blend of cultures and photographic perspectives. Hailing from Melbourne, he is currently based in the vibrant and bustling city of Accra, where he expertly captures the raw essence of the streets and the subcultures that call it home.
His photographic philosophy began to take shape after walking the streets of Accra as a street photographer. Through his lens, it became apparent that narratives told within mainstream media were often in contradiction with the experiences, daily lives, and cultures of the people he encountered.
This realization inspired him to begin showcasing the diversity of individuals and subcultures through a hyperlocal visual exploration of Accra's streets. His philosophy has been shaped around a desire to challenge preconceived notions and provide a more accurate and nuanced representation of reality in real time. By using the art of photography, SEANOKKAI works to increase visibility, highlight intersectionality, and provide alternative representations of the people and cultures of Ghana.
Characterised by the simplistic beauty of his black-and-white photography captured through a 28mm lens he creates an immersive and intimate perspective, allowing for a more profound connection between the viewers and the subject.